Many of the skills that are used in Neverwhere D6 are exactly the same as those used in West End Games' old Star Wars game, or the new DC Universe. However, I have made a few changes. The links below lead to each Attribute and explanations of the skills they control (many of the skills are more completely explained in the West End Games rulebooks). Attributes:
Strength:Skills are listed under each Attribute. For Magical Skills (Quirks, Charms and Knacks) and Ritual Spells, please see the Magic Section. TERMS
If a skill is listed by not given any other information, assume that it is available in one of West End Games' products (probably the Star Wars books, 3rd Edition). |
Time Taken: One action.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Very Easy (5)
Brawling covers basic hand-to-hand combat.
It is less graceful than Martial Arts, but can be equally effective.
A character will do an amount of damage equal to his Strength + 1D per
Effect Value.
Time Take: One action (but GM's may decide to have characters
just roll once for an entire "pitch")
Specializations: Different things climbed: buildings,
trees, rock faces.
Difficulty: Moderate (15)
While Climbing covers the actual act of scampering
up something, it may also be used when a character tries to do things like
hold on to the hood of a speeding car (the "TJ Hooker maneuver") or grab
on to the struts of a helicopter as it takes off, etc. The difficulty
may be increased if the character is burdened or wearing armor.
Time of Use: 1 action. Note that "big" jumps may require
a certain amount of "hang time." GM's should consider this in modifying
difficulties for other actions that are attempted while the character is
in the air.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: A die result of 3 or higher is a Success.
The distance covered depends on the dice total of the attempt. See
Jumping is not really an "academic" skill,
but it is a talent that may be cultured nonetheless. You may notice
a somewhat strange progression in the distance covered and the number of
successes. This is because almost anyone can jump at least a little,
but only a few people can really jump far. A roll of 40 is about the maximum
that an Olympic jumper could get (assuming he didn't use Wild Dice, Chi
or Character Points--all of which, I think, are illegal at the Olympics)--this
assumes a Strength of 4 + Jumping skill of 6 (World Class) and a getting
an average of 4 or greater on each die. After 40, the distance increases
dramatically. This is because the jumper will only get this far if
aided by technology (cybernetics) or some other "superhuman" means (Chi
or Character Points).
I would recommend to GM's that a result of 40 be
the "maximum" allowed any non-augmented jumper (this includes the use of
Chi and CP's) because the laws of physics and gravity have to apply somewhere.
There is simply no way for a "normal" human to jump 50 feet horizontally!
Horizontal: about 2.5 feet.
Vertical: about 3 feet. |
Horizontal: about 4 feet.
Vertical: about 4 feet. |
Horizontal: about 6 feet.
Vertical: about 5.5 feet. |
Horizontal: about 10 feet
Vertical: about 6 feet |
Horizontal: about 15 feet.
Vertical: about 7 feet |
Horizontal: about 20 feet.
Vertical: about 8 feet |
Horizontal: about 25 feet.
Vertical: about 10 feet. |
Horizontal: about 30 feet (this is about the current world record).
Vertical: about 12 feet. |
Horizontal: about 40 feet.
Vertical: about 15 feet. |
Beyond 50, a jumper may only achieve these distances if aided by magic or technology. Even Chi and CP's should not be permitted to carry a jumper this far. | ||
Horizontal: about 75 feet
Vertical: about 35 feet. |
Horizontal: about 100 feet.
Vertical: about 50 feet. |
Horizontal: about 125 feet.
Vertical: about 75 feet. |
For each additional 10, add about 25 feet to the result. |
Time Taken: 1 action
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Depends upon the weight and bulkiness of the item.
Lifting represents more an innate ability
than a learned skill (though you can certainly learn the "correct" way
to lift heavy objects). Difficulty depends on the weight of the object.
The table below indicates the difficulty of lifting a common object of
about the provided weight. Characters will be able to life much more
than this amount if they bench press (approximately 3 x the amount)
or do a dead lift (approximately 4x this amount)
Time Taken: One round
Specializations: Tumbling, Balancing, Swinging
Acrobatics is used whenever a character
attempts to make an unusual or difficult maneuver with her body. A character
may attempt an Acrobatics check if they fall or are thrown to the ground
to roll to her feet or avoid damage (roll Acrobatics versus the damage.
If the Acrobatics roll is higher, subtract the difference from the damage
Acrobatics may also be used in combat. If
a character uses Acrobatics during combat they can potentially reap one
of the following benefits:
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: None.
Dodge is the art of getting out of the way.
A character need only make one Dodge roll per round. The result becomes
the base difficulty for anyone shooting or throwing anything at the character.
Thus, if a character makes a Dodge roll resulting in 20, enemies will need
at least a 20 to hit the character. The Dodge result replaces
the base difficulty, thus a bad Dodge result can put the character in a
worse position than if he had just stood still. Dodge may also be
used to get out of the way of other objects that are not purposely aimed
at the character, such as falling boulders, careening busses or out-of-control
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular types of vehicles, such as
Motorcycles, Sports cars, Limousines, etc.
Drive applies to the conduction of commonplace passenger
vehicles. It won't do you a lick of good in a tank...
Fire Weapons [Archaic Weapons/Firearms (Pistols and
Rifles)/Light Artillery/Heavy Artillery/Vehicle Weapons/Remote Weapons]
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular weapons types. For example,
Firearms: Assault Rifle.
When choosing the Fire Weapons skill, the player
must choose one of the categories listed above. The character is
considered unskilled in all the other categories unless they too are selected.
Martial Arts
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Easy (10) for standard blows. Difficulty
may be increased for special maneuvers.
Martial Arts covers the study of unarmed
hand-to-hand combat. At character creation, the character receives one
special maneuver for each die they place in the skill. When
the character advances with experience, each special move costs an additional
8 CP's (a character can buy as many as he would like).
Example: Lurker has a Dexterity of 3D and at character creation adds an additional die into Martial Arts (giving him a total of 4D in Martial Arts). He chooses Disarm, Elbow Smash, Multiple Strikes, and Power Block. Later, he increases the Martial Arts skill from 4D to 5D (costing 12 CP's) and decides to purchase Spinning Kick for an additional 8 CP's.A character who strikes with Martial Arts, but without a Special Move, does damage equal to her Strength +1D per EV.
The standard Difficulty for each move is given in parenthesis.
Ride horse
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for simple maneuvers on well-trained
steeds. Difficulty increases for the orneriness of the beast, complexity
of actions attempted, and conditions (weather, speed traveled, burdens,
Specializations: Particular riding styles (Western, English,
Bareback, etc.).
Ride horse includes all the knowledge one
needs to train or ride a horse, perform simple animal husbandry, and prepare
and maintain the appropriate tackle.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased if there are
obstacles or the character is burdened.
Running includes not only the ability to
move your feet rapidly, but also of avoiding objects and stumbling while
you are doing so. This skill is essential for all those characters
who hope to be cops and spend their days chasing down perpetrators though
dim alleys and over chain link fences.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular objects: grenades, spears,
This covers the hand eye coordination required to
pick something up and hit a target. Difficulty depends on whether
the object was designed to be thrown and range (see Equipment).
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Particular forms of duress: Drugs,
Pain, Gravitational forces (good for pilots), etc.
Resistance indicates the character's physical
resiliency against outside duress, such as pain or drugs. Furthermore,
for when a character rolls to establish his Hit Points, he may roll Resistance
if it is higher than his Constitution. Also, as he may roll an additional
die each time he increases his Resistance skill level (only to the general
skill, not Specializations).
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty increases with conditions
(current, temperature), burden, and the character's physical condition.
When you know how to
swim, you generally won't drown. This is a good thing.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Willpower represents the strength of the
character's mind and ability to resist outside influences. Characters
must make Willpower checks to avoid temptations, fight the powers of suggestive
drugs, and remain conscious when physically weak or in extreme pain.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased for particularly obscure
or secret bureaucratic information.
This character has an unfortunately advanced
knowledge of how bureaucracies work. They will know who is in charge
of what duties, where paperwork is kept, and what processes must be followed
to get something done in a bureaucratic chain of command. Every subculture
has its own form of bureaucracy, and a smart underdweller knows how to
use that to his advantage.
Time of Use: usually ongoing.
Difficulty: Moderate for most matters.
This character knows how economic principles
can be best applied to a given situation. They can organize profit
making ventures, find appropriate contacts, and recognize needed resources.
Computer Operations and Programming
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours depending on the action
Specializations: Particular actions: Hacking, Decryption,
Difficulty: Easy for accessing basic information and running
programs. Increased for complex actions like Hacking (Difficult to
Ex. Difficult) and breaking encryptions (depending on the strength of the
Computers represents an overall ability to
use and manipulate computers. The character not only knows how to
access files, but can break through security, program, and do all sorts
of other fun things. It may also be used to diagnosis problems or
propose improvements, though the actual work requires Computer Repair.
Characters raised in the World Below rarely know much about computers and,
because of the curse, can almost never use them (the computers simply don't
respond). However, most characters raised in the World Above have
at least a basic understanding of how to use computers, though this rarely
does them any good once they slip between the cracks.
Craftsmanship [Carpentry, Masonry, Ceramics, Sewing,
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours, to several days
to finish a project.
Specializations: Particular areas within the area of craftsmanship.
For example, a character may choose Carpentry: Furniture making.
When a player choose Craftsmanship for a
character, he should also choose a particular category. The character
is considered unskilled in all other areas of that category.
Current Events
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if
the information is not readily available through normal media outlets.
Current Events represents the character's knowledge of
happenings in the World Above. Most underdwellers have only the slightest
understanding of events and politics Above. Few truly care.
But the two worlds are inextricably linked, and knowledge of one often
serves in the other.
At 1D, the character is pretty oblivious or gets
most of her news from unreliable sources. At 2D, she has an average
grasp of newsworthy events (notable break-ups, active military conflicts,
etc.). At 3D, the person has a talent for gathering news information
and remembering it. At 4D, the character has a steady supply of information
from a variety of sources, including some insiders.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular areas of study.
Education indicates the depth of the character's
academic background. Characters may make Education checks in areas
that require general knowledge, such as Geography, History, Greek mythology,
basic mathematics, etc. This differs from Sciences and other specialized
studies in that the knowledge is not generally applicable to real problems
in front of the character--it only indicates that the character has a very
general knowledge ("Switzerland is next to Germany, I think. Or is
that Sweden...?").
The table below gives a rough idea of what each
level in Education represents. Note that it is not necessary to go to college
to have a level 3 or 4 Education, it just means that the character has
invested time in learning on his own (in fact, lots of people who
graduate from college never paid much attention and might only have a level
2 Education).
Elementary School |
High School |
College |
Post-graduate studies |
Advanced studies |
World renowned scholar |
Revolutionary scholar |
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular electronic items: Computers,
radios, etc.
With Electronics, a character can attempt
to understand and repair electrical systems of all sorts. This includes
computers, communications equipment and most optical equipment. Difficulties
may be modified if the character is very familiar with the particular device
of depending on the size (generally, smaller things are more difficult
to fix). Because of the technological curse that hangs over the World
Below, characters will rarely have need for this skill. It may, at
times, prove useful however, for while machines tend to not work for underdwellers,
the underdweller may still attempt to disable working machines.
Fixing an alarm clock |
Installing RAM in a computer |
Fixing burned-out wiring in a pair of thermal goggles. |
Re-wiring a standard security system |
Physical interfacing a computer with a secured computer system (physical hacking) |
Engineering (A)
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes, hours or days.
Prerequisites: Mechanics 4D, Electronics 4D, Education
4D, Physical Sciences 4D
Difficulty: Moderate (generally).
With Engineering, a character understands
the complexities of design, construction and improving upon all kinds of
machines and architecture (with the exception of Steamworks). Characters
may attempt to build bridges, repair complex gear systems, even build mechanical
traps. Most underdwellers cannot employ this skill to make "modern"
technology from Above work (because of the technological "curse" that hinders
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular explosives.
Difficulty: Moderate or higher (generally).
A character skilled in Demolitions is able to recognize,
build and disarm bombs of all sorts. It's a very dangerous skill
to employ, since failure often results in detonation. Regardless,
it's usually better to attempt to disarm a bomb than just let it
sit and go off by itself! Underdwellers make rare use of this skill,
and then only to cobble together simple explosives like Molotov cocktails
or black-powder bombs.
First Aid
Time of Use: 1 round for each Wound Level suffered by patient
(it is more difficulty to help people who are more hurt).
Difficulty: Varies greatly depending on the condition
of the patient.
Specializations: Tending to various kinds of injuries:
bullet wounds; broken bones; poisoning, etc.
First Aid training gives a character
the knowledge to tend to injuries and minor illnesses (such as nausea and
headaches). The character will be familiar with using basic medical
supplies, such as bandages and antiseptic, but will not be able to perform
surgery or other complex procedures.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if
the information is from a different City Below or is otherwise particularly
Gossip represents the character's knowledge of
current events in the World Below. Though it may not seem apparent
at first, Gossip is an important skill in the world of Neverwhere.
Political alliances and conflicts are regularly springing up, shifting
and posing new threats (and probably the characters). GM's should
ask for Gossip rolls if the character's are trying to find out information
about what's going on in politics or the world for the past 5 or so years.
GM's should be encouraged to mix in changing social and political situations
with the game campaign.
At 1D, the character is pretty oblivious or gets
most of her news from unreliable sources. At 2D, she has an average
grasp of newsworthy events (notable break-ups, active feuds, etc.).
At 3D, the person has a fair network for informants and files the information
away in their head. At 4D, the character has a steady supply of information
from a variety of sources, including some insiders.
Jury Rig
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Jury-rigging particular objects such
as cars, weapons, or computers.
Someone with Jury Rig can fix almost anything, at
least for a few minutes. This is the quick-fix, the hack, that gets something
working when it needs to be working. But without more time and better
parts, it won't last long. A Jury-rigged item will continue to function
for 1 hour per Effect Value point. The GM may alter this time table
as he sees fit. Some very broad examples of Jury-rigging and the
associated difficulties are given below:
Getting a decent, but malfunctioning, car started | Easy |
Fixing the heat sinks on an old computer so it will run without overheating. | Moderate |
Working out the kinks in an old elevator that won't budge. |
Re-attaching a wing to a busted up airplane |
Re-wiring a steamworks holographic device that has been broken |
Language (Special) [Particular Language]
Time of Use: 1 action to speak, 1 round to translate.
Difficulty: Easy for common languages (English, Chinese,
Farsi). Difficulty increases with more rare languages or dialects.
Specializations: Any Language skill is considered a Specialization.
See below.
When a character selects Language, he must choose
a particular language in which he is skilled. All characters are
considered to have a Languages skill of 3D in their native language.
Note: This is different from the Languages skill
as presented in the Star Wars RPG.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy for knowing basic information.
Difficulty increases for understanding more complex legal regimes or employing
legal knowledge in a professional manner (trying a case, etc.).
Specializations: Particular areas of the law: Enforcement;
Torts, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, etc.
With Law, a character understands how legal
regimes work and what must be done in order to comply with those laws.
Skilled characters may attempt to use the law to defend themselves (or
others), gain access to information, or have the weight of authority brought
done upon another person (i.e., charging them with a crime). The
World Below often functions on very different laws than those of the World
Above, and characters from one often unknowingly stumble into infractions
of the laws of the other.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular machines: automobiles,
aircraft, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate for simple, common machines
and basic problems. Increases if the character has never worked on
a machine of this type or the machine is very complex. Difficulty
may also increase if the mechanic lacks the proper tools, manuals, etc.
Mechanics is a catch-all skill that represents
a character's ability to understand and repair mechanical engines and moving
parts. While "modern" technology like cars and fax machines don't
work for most underdwellers, there are many other "machines" that characters
may come into contact with: catapults and engines of war; complex
gear works powered by hand or water, etc. Further, while mechanical
items rarely work for underdwellers, there may be times when it would pay
to understand the workings of a machine and either disable or repair it
(to hinder or aid someone else).
Medicine (A)
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Prerequisites: Sciences 4D, First Aid 5D, Education 4D
Specializations: Particular areas: cardiology, optomology,
Difficulty: Depends on action attempted. 5 to render
basic aid. 10 to perform advanced aid (patient is Mortally Wounded).
15 to perform light surgery. 20 for basic surgery. 25 for invasive
surgery or to diagnosis a rare disorder. 30 for experimental
or novel work.
Special: Though Medicine is under Knowledge, when the
skill is taken, it is at 1D (not the character's Knowledge skill). At 1D
will be considered a medic or med student. At 2D, a registered Nurse
or an intern. At 3D, a doctor. At 4D, a specialist or experienced
doctor. At 5D and above, the doctor will have a good reputation in
the field, perhaps even be world renowned.
Medicine represents the whole of medical
sciences, from advanced medic procedures, to surgery, to experimentation
and development. When a character uses the Medicine skill to perform
first aid and basic field/emergency procedures (including light surgery),
it is added to the character's First Aid skill. Furthermore, it may
be added to Physical Sciences rolls when performing biological experiments.
Finally, it may be added to Investigation skills when doing a medical research
in libraries or with a computer.
Penalties may accrue when working in substandard
conditions or with patients who are not human.
Time of Use: One to several rounds, depending on the length
and complexity of the course charted.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate, depending on the information
available to the navigator (charts, compass, current location, etc.).
Specializations: Particular environments: Terrestrial,
Aquatic, Subterranean, Outer Space, etc.
A character skilled in Navigation may use
any available information to discern her current whereabouts and plot the
best course to arrive at another location. She can read maps, instruments,
perform necessary calculations, correct for errors, and generally avoid
getting lost. Even without charts and gear, this character may use
local cues (such as the sun or stars) to figure out their location and
plot a course of travel.
Time of Use: 1 action (to several hours, depending on the action).
Specializations: Particular fields of study: Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, etc.
Difficulty: Easy, but increased for more complex or obscure
scientific theories.
Sciences represents knowledge in fields
such as physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology.
Steamworks (A) or (S)
Prerequisites: Engineering 3D, Sciences 3D, Education
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days. GM's
Difficulty: Easy to perform basic repairs and diagnostics.
Moderate to perform modest upgrades or to repair lightly damage systems.
Difficult to repair heavily damage systems. Very difficult to repair
trashed systems or to design novel steamworks.
Steamworks includes the development,
maintenance and upgrading of steam-driven machines. This is a very
rare skill, usually only acquired by the truly brilliant or by those that
have apprenticed with a Steamworks master. Rumor exist of some steamworks
inventors trying to graft steam technology with human bodies, but there
are so many rumors that bear fruit in the World Below...If it were true,
the inventor would not only have to be a master steam engineer, but a highly
trained physician as well...
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if
used in a city unfamiliar to the character.
Streetwise represents a character's ability to
tap into the resources of the darker side of society. This skill
may be used to procure stolen items, contact assassins, or score some drugs.
In the World Below, it may extend to more mystical corners: finding
black magicks, hidden creatures and forbidden locations.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Particular types of forces: royal guard,
bravo mercenaries, etc.
Difficulty: Dependent upon the situation, often as an
opposed roll against the leader of the enemy force.
Tactics is used whenever a commander attempts
to guide his troops into battle. It may also be used to second-guess
an opponent and predict means of attack.
Weapons Technology:
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours depending on the action
Weapons Tech refers to one's knowledge of
various forms of weaponry and how to build and/or repair them. In the World
Below, this is mainly restricted to archaic weapons.
Time of Use: 1 round to several if the
character must research the item.
Specializations: particular types of items (jewelry, weapons,
steamworks, texts, etc.)
Difficulty: Easy (10). GM's should freely modify
this difficulty, depending on the obscurity of the item.
Value is an exceptionally important skill
in Neverwhere, particular for anyone in the merchant trade. But because
all transactions occur through barter, every character needs to have some
idea of the value of objects and services. However, what may be valuable
in the World Above may likely be completely useless in the World Below,
where value is placed on necessity over luxury and small items, such as
a ball-point pen, may be enough to secure a full meal and helpful information.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Difficulty: Highly variable, depending on the circumstance.
Easy for general background checks and research. Difficult for probing
into deep, dark secrets.
Specializations: Particular areas of investigation: crime,
forensics, scholarly research, etc.
A character with Investigation has honed her ability
to pick up on clues, follow complex paper trails, and put together disparate
pieces of puzzles. This skill often comes in handy for routing out
criminals, uncovering secret motivations behind business transactions,
and discovering the truth behind long, lost secrets.
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for whole "games" or gambling
Specializations: Particular games: Poker, Blackjack, etc.
Difficulty: Depends on the game. Generally, Easy
for simple games up to Very Difficult for very complex ones. Can
be used as an Opposing Action against other gamblers.
Gambling is quite common in both the Worlds
Below and Above. Money is of no value in the World Below, so gamblers
must come to the table with a keen sense of Value and easily traded or
valuable items.
Time of Use: Depends on difficulty (See below).
Difficulty: Moderate (15), modified by the table below.
Specializations: Detecting certain behavioral patterns
such as lying, worry, anger, apprehension, guilt etc.
With Profile, a character can attempt to
size up a target, making educated estimates of the target's emotional and
mental state. The longer the skill user studies her subject, the
greater chance she will draw the appropriate conclusions. The base
difficulty is the target's opposing Willpower check. Additional difficulty
modifiers are as follows:
Surface emotions | + 0 |
Emotions or thoughts the target actively attempting to hide | + 5 |
Emotions or thoughts that the target is in denial about | +10 |
Emotions or thoughts that the target doesn't even know he's having (secretly in love with someone, etc.) | +15 |
Attempting to use this skill in a single round | +15 |
Spending 3 rounds to use this skill. | +10 |
Spending 5 rounds using this skill. | +5 |
Spending a full minute using this skill. | +0 |
Interviewing target (asking personal questions). | -10 |
Observing the target closely for more than one hour. | -7 |
Time of Use: GM's discretion. It depends on how
large the area searched is and what is being sought.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: Moderate (generally). Depends on local
conditions (lighting, other distracting stimuli), whether character is
purposefully paying attention, or if special equipment is used. Items
that have been purposefully camouflaged or otherwise hidden may require
an Opposed roll against the Hide of the person who concealed the item.
Search represents the character's ability
to pick up on clues, notice little details, and general alertness to her
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Type of habitat in which character seeks
to be stealth: Forest, Urban, Aquatic, etc.
With Stealth, a character attempts to move
unnoticed. This skill includes walking silently as well as hiding
in shadows and blending in with a crowd. A character using stealth
moves at half-speed (walking). To move quickly while being stealthy,
the character must endure increased difficulty levels (GM's discretion).
Time of Use: One roll should represent 1 "event."
Specializations: Particular habitats: Forest, Jungle,
Urban, Aquatic, Desert, Arctic, etc.
A character with Survival may attempt to
endure the rigors of the natural world in a number of environments and
situations. The skill is used when the character must find food and
shelter or take other actions to survive in the wild. Note that
only covers what is needed for sustenance. If you want to build a nice
house like they have on Gilligan's Island, you'd better learn Craftsmanship:
Carpentry or something similar...Difficulty levels increase when the character
is using Survival not only for himself but to aid others as well.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Tracking in particular habitats:
Forest, Jungle, Urban, Subterranean, Desert, Arctic, etc.
Difficulty: Easy (10) to Difficult (20) depending what
is being tracked and where.
Tracking represents the skill of following
and catching "prey." This does not include the ability to kill or
trap it (those are different skills). However, the character can
pick up on small traces, estimate how long it has been since the prey was
in the area, and make educated guesses as to the condition of the animal.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Bargaining over certain items:
weapons, food, ships, etc.
Difficulty: Typically an opposed roll against the other
bargaining party.
Bargain represents the character's
ability to haggle over just about anything. In the the markets of
Zion, nearly everything is up for sale, and merchants tend to be shrewd.
Without this skill, characters may find themselves much more than they
should for goods and services. The table below gives general outcomes
of Bargain "battles": If the winner is the buyer, reduce the
"real price" (GM's discretion) by the Price Multiplier. If the winner is
the seller, inflate the price accordingly.
Loser's |
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Commanding certain types of troops:
royal guard, bravo gangs, religious knights, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate depending on the situation.
Can be easier or hardier depending on the skill and morale of the troops.
With this skill, a character can manage, direct
and mobilize others in a wide variety of endeavors. She knows how
to give clear instructions and inspire obedience and prompt response.
In the heat of battle, an able commander is essential.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Certain types of cons: disguise,
fast-talking, forgery, etc.
Difficulty: Opponents may make a Willpower or Knowledge
opposing roll to rat out a Conning player.
Con represents a character's ability to bend
the truth and slide by on fast-talking. It also includes other ways
of being less than honest--disguise, forgery, etc.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Various traditions of courtliness (Medieval
Europe, modern Japan, etc.)
Difficulty: Easy (10). GM's may increase the difficulty
for complex or obscure traditions.
Simply put, Courtliness is the skill of minding
one's manners. The skill character will know how to address royalty,
when to genuflect, and which fork to use for the salad. In the feudal
world of Neverwhere, a few simple manners may mean all the difference between
gracious acceptance by a royal host and the guillotine.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: NA.
Difficulty: Moderate (15)
Fade is the ability
to remain anonymous and unremembered. This is different than the
ability (or curse) of all residents of the World Below to go unnoticed.
Rather than being a product of the upsider's unwillingness to perceive
unpleasant or disruptive forces, Fade represents a character's ability
to leave as light an impression as possible on other people.
This skill works the same for dwellers of the World
Above as it does Below. It will prove useful when a character wishes
to gather information without being remembered or to pass "unseen" through
a crowded area. If anything, others will half-remember some innocuous
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: NA.
Difficulty: Depends on the quality of the Favor called in.
Easy for simple tasks up to Extremely Difficult for dangerous or complex
ones (see below).
The Underside works in part upon a commerce of favors--you
do one for me and I'll owe you one down the line. A saavy underdweller
learns to culture favors in his debt and judiciously calls upon them as
needed, usually at a "profit" of energy or risk expended. This character
has spent some time acquiring debts in his favor. The character may
use this skill once per gaming session withou penalty. The difficulty
level increases by 5 for each additional time it is used in a session.
Asking for a bit of information that's somewhat hard to come by (no real danger or effort involved). | Very Easy |
Carry a message to someone locally (no unusual danger involved). |
Ask someone to secretly safeguard a prized possession (little unusual danger or effort involved, but of great importance). | Moderate |
Deploy someone to steal or otherwise acquire a valueable item. |
Request that somone aid or guard you in a time of deadly peril. |
Ask someone to fight by your side against certain death. |
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for one whole performance.
Specializations: Particular performance arts: music,
acting, visual art, etc.
Difficulty: Moderate. Vary difficulty depending
on the quality and intricacy of the art attempted.
With Perform, a character can attempt just
about any art form. From song-and-dance to sculpture, the character
can express herself and perhaps make a buck or two for the effort.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular forms of persuasive speech:
Seduction, Oration, Debate,
Difficulty: Easy. Targets may make Opposed Willpower
rolls to set a Difficulty.
Persuasion measures a character's ability
to convince others of just about anything. It does not include the
ability to bark orders (see Command), but rather to debate with logic,
appeal to sympathy, and otherwise verbally convince others to see things
the character's way.
Time of Use: automatic
Specializations: NA
Difficulty: Special.
Reaction is not actually a true skill.
Rather, it is some karmic force within the character that affects how strangers
react to him. A character with a high Reaction score is less likely
to be scorned, cheated or even, in some situations, killed. This
is the skill that represents the hesitancy--even if only momentary--of
the an arch-villain in killing a protagonist, or the willingness of a hot
dog vendor to give a girl with a pretty smile a free meal, etc. One
can find quite a few spots in Neverwhere when Richard should either be
ignored, abused or downright killed, but for some reason things turn out
all right. Here, this is represented by successful Reaction skills
(and GM ingenuity for the sake of plot).
In using Reaction, GM's should have the player
roll (or roll for the character and keep it secret). The higher the
value, the more positive the reaction to the character, or at least the
greater the benefit. This "skill" will not replace role-playing and
should not change the GM's discretion of how the game should run.
Rather, it may give a player a slight edge where none existed before--at
its best, it should provide a GM with more fodder for the game.
The book Neverwhere is copyright Neil Gaiman, the TV series was copyright to the BBC, and the gaming system is copyright West End Games. This site is wholly unauthorized. Please don't sue me.
August 2002